Friday, December 23, 2011

Eastern European Crime

I was just seeing if anyone has any movies i didn't know about already that are based on the Russian Crime or something Similar, even if it doesn't necessarily fit. My point is that the Italian/Sicilian Mafia Movies are extraordinarily popular yet the Russian/ Eastern European crime movies aren't nearly as popular. I can see why, but i still think the Genre hasn't been exploited to nearly it's potential. If you know of any movies i don't, just send them my way. The ones I know
*Eastern Promises- (I consider this the best Russian crime movie i've ever seen, it's a wonderful film)
*Boondock Saints- (it merely touches)
*Red Heat- (Now that I think of it probably the first of these movies I saw)
*Be Cool- (This movie, if anything, hurt the idea of the Genre in my opinion)
*Lord Of War- (In normal circumstances I wouldn't even include this one, but the Genre is as you can see, very sparse)
There are a few others that touch on Russian Mafia; But very few go in depth and I think that is a shame.

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